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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Intelligence Sharing Platform Launched By Binance And Oasis Labs For Exchanges

Hình ảnh
 The world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has collaborated with security driven blockchain-controlled cloud computing developers Oasis Labs to battle fraud in the crypto part. See more: https://timebit.sg/ see more: https://medium.com/@timebitglobal/intelligence-sharing-platform-launched-by-binance-and-oasis-labs-for-exchanges-bd55dc97d9ea

TimeBit is disrupting the blockchain world which was launched in 2019 with the aim of providing financial services to SMEs, individuals & startups, to kick-start their journeys in this booming industry.

Hình ảnh
 A Singapore-based startup, TimeBit is disrupting the blockchain world which was launched in 2019 with the aim of providing financial services to SMEs, .... see more: http://markets.ask.com/ask/news/read/39498261

TimeBit wallet - store bitcoin safely, manage digital assets

Hình ảnh
 Timebit Wallet is cryptocurrency wallet, wallet for all cryptocurrencies it can store and hold btc, krs token, eth, and manage digital asset see more: https://timebit.sg/en_US/timebit-wallet/

TimeBit SaaS concept can provide great advantages for most businesses, primarily in costs and flexibility.

Hình ảnh
TimeBit SaaS concept - Benefit of SaaS is Accessibility, Lower up-front cost, Scalability, Quick setup and deployment, Easy upgrades,... see more: https://timebit.sg/en_US/saas-concept/

TimeBit | Blockchain-Base Financial Ecosystem | SaaS company

Hình ảnh
 TimeBit - As SaaS concept continues to help businesses and individuals work more efficiently, the world has taken notice. By 2022, the SaaS market is expected to reach $164.29 billion, according to Transparency Market Research. see more: https://timebit.sg/en_US/saas-concept/

TimeBit announces a simple way for SMEs, startups & entrepreneurs to start their own cryptocurrency business, cryptocurrency-related business.

TimeBit allows new users to start their own crypto exchange service at an affordable price. Secondly, the TimeBit company - blockchain-based fintech solution company takes advantage of the Percentage Allocation Management Module, which makes it easier for experts and AI to derive maximum results on the basis of past performance. Undoubtedly, the probability of losing money reduces to an unimaginable extent. see more: http://markets.ask.com/ask/news/read/39697846

TimeBit provides Crypto Exchange, Crypto Wallet, Full-Suite Marketing, Blockchain Consulting,...

Hình ảnh
TimeBit provides Crypto Exchange, Crypto Wallet, Full-Suite Marketing, Blockchain Consulting,...a turn-key approach for clients, whether seeking solely blockchain development consulting, marketing services or any legal consulting of creating a new company. We can walk you from the content introduction, explainer video and website to a marketing campaign, or operate a system. see more: https://timebit.sg/en_US/